शराबी ने पप्पू को दिया करारा जवाब पढ़िए मजेदार जोक्स Jokes Majedar Chutkule Santa Banta Jokes Husband Wife Jokes Family
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Jokes Majedar Chutkule Santa Banta Jokes Husband Wife Jokes Family Jokes Funny Chutkule |
पप्पू ने एक शराबी से कहा कि ध्यान से चलो,
नाली में मत गिर जाना......
शराबी: हम अर्थव्यवस्था चलाते हैं
और तुम हमें चलना सिखाओगे।
Majedar Chutkule Papu
पप्पू ने अपनी गर्लफ्रेंड से कहा...
देखो, वो लड़की मुझे देखकर
मुस्कुरा रही है!
गर्लफ्रेंड - अरे वो तो केवल
मुस्कुरा रही है...
मैंने तो जब तुम्हें पहली बार देखा था,
तो तीन दिन तक हंसती रही थी...!!!
Majedar Chutkule GF BF
मास्क का सबसे अच्छा उपयोग आज देखने को मिला......
जब बेटा और पिताजी शराब की एक ही लाइन में लगे थे
और एक-दूसरे को पहचान नहीं पाए।
कुंवारों पर यह कैसी विपदा आई......
ना नाई, ना शहनाई।
एक बार एक आदमी जंगल में जा रहा था...
अचानक भालू देखकर सांस रोककर
जमीन पर लेट गया...
ये देख कर भालू आया और उसके कान में बोला...
भूख नहीं है, वरना सारी होशियारी अभी निकाल देता...!!!
शराबी ही असली किंगमेकर हैं।
जब फ्री में पीते हैं तो सरकार बदलते हैं......
और जब खरीदकर पीते हैं तो अर्थव्यवस्था बदलते हैं।
Jokes Sharabi
लॉकडाउन का असली दर्द उस महिला से पूछो......
जिसका पति चार सालियों के साथ ससुराल में फंस गया हो।
जिंदगी की पहली धमकी वो थी...
जब बाल कटवाते समय नाई ने मुझे दी थी...
सीधा बैठ जा... नहीं तो कान काट दूंगा...!!!
केवल जरूरी चीजें ही खुलेंगी। स्कूल-कॉलेज बंद रहेंगे......
और हम समझ रहे थे कि पढ़ाई सबसे ज्यादा जरूरी है।
लॉकडाउन ना हुआ, सांप-सीढ़ी का खेल हो गया......
जैसे ही मंजिल तकत पहुंचने लगते हैं, 99 वाला सांप काट लेता है।
दिन में सो लो तो रात में नींद का रोना......
रात में सो लो तो दिनभर टीवी में कोरोना।
जिनके नाम के चलते थे कभी मित्र मंडल......
लॉकडाउन में उन्हें भी नहीं मिल रहा बीड़ी का बंडल।
Pappu said to an alcoholic that walk carefully,
Do not fall into the drain ……
Alcoholic: We run the economy
And you will teach us to walk.
Majedar Chutkule Papu
Pappu told his girlfriend ...
Look, that girl looking at me
Girlfriends - oh that only
Smiling ...
When I first saw you,
She laughed for three days… !!!
Majedar Chutkule GF BF
The best use of masks was seen today ……
When son and father were engaged in the same line of alcohol
And did not recognize each other.
What calamity did this on the virgins ……
Neither hairdresser nor shehnai.
Once a man was going into the forest ...
Holding the breath suddenly
Lay on the ground ...
Seeing this, the bear came and said in his ear…
No hunger, otherwise it will remove all the intelligence now !!!
The drunkards are the real kingmakers.
When we drink for free, the government changes ……
And when buying and drinking, the economy changes.
Jokes sharabi
Ask the woman the real pain of the lockdown ……
Whose husband is stuck with her in-laws with four years old.
The first threat to life was that ...
When the hairdresser gave me the haircut ...
Sit up straight ... otherwise I will cut off the ear ... !!!
Only the essentials will open. School-colleges will remain closed ……
And we were thinking that studies are most important.
Lockdown not done, snake-ladder is done ...
As soon as the floor reaches the floor, the 99 snake bites.
Sleep in the day and cry of sleep at night ……
Sleep at night, Corona in TV throughout the day.
Whose name used to be sometimes Mitra Mandal ……
They also cannot find a bundle of bidi in lockdown.
Pappu said to an alcoholic that walk carefully,
Do not fall into the drain ……
Alcoholic: We run the economy
And you will teach us to walk.
Majedar Chutkule Papu
Pappu told his girlfriend ...
Look, that girl looking at me
Girlfriends - oh that only
Smiling ...
When I first saw you,
She laughed for three days… !!!
Majedar Chutkule GF BF
The best use of masks was seen today ……
When son and father were engaged in the same line of alcohol
And did not recognize each other.
What calamity did this on the virgins ……
Neither hairdresser nor shehnai.
Once a man was going into the forest ...
Holding the breath suddenly
Lay on the ground ...
Seeing this, the bear came and said in his ear…
No hunger, otherwise it will remove all the intelligence now !!!
The drunkards are the real kingmakers.
When we drink for free, the government changes ……
And when buying and drinking, the economy changes.
Jokes sharabi
Ask the woman the real pain of the lockdown ……
Whose husband is stuck with her in-laws with four years old.
The first threat to life was that ...
When the hairdresser gave me the haircut ...
Sit up straight ... otherwise I will cut off the ear ... !!!
Only the essentials will open. School-colleges will remain closed ……
And we were thinking that studies are most important.
Lockdown not done, snake-ladder is done ...
As soon as the floor reaches the floor, the 99 snake bites.
Sleep in the day and cry of sleep at night ……
Sleep at night, Corona in TV throughout the day.
Whose name used to be sometimes Mitra Mandal ……
They also cannot find a bundle of bidi in lockdown.